Sunday, November 15, 2015

Katy is invited to her Nigerian friend Amaeka’s for dinner and fears their food may be too different and she won’t like it. Katy asks her mother and friends about Nigerian food. At the dinner, Katy decides to eat what she is served and is surprised by the main course.                                                  For readers ages 5 to 8

I think this is a cute idea for a story--and I think it's something kids REALLY worry about, whether they are going to eat foreign food or not. What if I don't like the way my friend's mom cooks? I think “What’s for Dinner” is great!    
~Margo Dill, Award Winning Writer, Editor, and Author

Culturally specific books are important because research has shown that children fair well when they can identify with people who are similar to themselves. I applaud award winning children’s author, Penelope Anne Cole for writing her newest book, “What’s for Dinner.” Children all over the world will be inspired  with  her book because  it celebrates diversity.
~Nicole Weaver, Multi-Award Winning Author